Poster Registration

Poster session ERIAFF Conference 2024

Poster session is held in Frami Seinäjoki (F-building, Kampusranta 11, 60320 Seinäjoki) on 11.-13.6.2024. Posters are available throughout the conference, and all conference visitors may explore the poster exhibition during the week. Posters can present e.g. projects and scientific results.

Poster authors are present and holding their presentation on Tuesday and Wednesday for the last 30 minutes of the lunch break. For the exact time, please refer the programme of the event.  Posters will be cathegorized under following themes:

Agricultural practices
Food Processing
Retail / Logistics
Consumer involvement
Food Systems

Poster show Abstract book is now published:

Find the abstract book here:

All the poster abstracts have been collected into this publication.